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Tracy Property Management | How to Handle Negative Online Reviews


Websites that collect customer reviews can be great for your rental business, but because you cannot please everyone, there are bound to be a few negative reviews. If you manage properties in Tracy and want to keep your sanity, you should follow these helpful tips for handling negative online reviews from Tracy property management:


  • Stay calm : If businesspeople reacted angrily every time they received criticism, there wouldn't be any business left. Successful landlords are secure enough to know that they can't really lose. If the criticism is valid, then they have just learned a way to improve. If it is not, then they know that the problem lies with the critic, not their business.

  • Consider whether the criticism is valid : You probably strive to provide excellent service to your tenants at all times, but nobody is perfect. Sometimes there may be problems that you have failed to notice. The commenter's objection might be unique, but it probably isn't. Use this criticism as an opportunity to discover if other tenants feel the same way. This can be handled by a quick email, or by soliciting comments cards in your office.

  • Engage online in a positive manner : Take the time to write responses online that thank your tenants for providing reviews. If you have a negative review, you can try to contact the critic privately to see if you can do anything to change their mind. Do not engage any critics who are hostile, as they are not likely to change and will likely frustrate you more.

  • Don't sue : Unless someone is saying something truly defamatory, don't sue online critics. Doing so makes you look petty, even to your supporters.

For more ideas about handling negative online reviews, please contact property management in Tracytoday.


Property Management